Our Sponsorship Program
Our Sponsor Levels
- Grounds space available to display the Sponsor’s product or service.
- Practically unlimited space available for Sponsor-provided banners and pennants.
- Sponsor name listed on event handouts, Event Program and LGGPR website.
- Sponsor logo displayed on all attendee T-shirts (top back for most exposure).
- Windshield decals on every car entered in the event.
- Public Announcements and complimentary T-shirts, caps and lunches.
- Sponsor can “host” a single element: Food Court, Autocross, Beer Garden, etc.
- Space available for Sponsor-provided banner and pennants.
- Sponsor name listed on event handouts, Event Program and LGGPR website.
- Sponsor logo displayed on all attendee T-shirts (middle of back for great exposure).
- Public Announcements and complimentary T-shirts, caps and lunches.
- Space available for Sponsor-provided banner and pennants.
- Sponsor name listed on event handouts, Event Program and LGGPR website.
- Public Announcements and complimentary T-shirt, cap and lunches.
- Sponsor name listed in the Event Program and on the LGGPR website.
- Public Announcements and complimentary cap and lunches
- Sponsor name listed in the Event Program and on the LGGPR website.
- Public Announcements and complimentary lunch

More than 85 years ago, the National Automotive Parts Association (“NAPA”) was created to meet America’s growing need for an effective auto parts distribution
The Lake Garnett Grand Prix Revival is an annual event at the Lake Garnett Raceway in Garnett, Kansas. With the assistance of the City of Garnett, a strong organizing committee of true sports car enthusiasts and the generous support of our commercial sponsors, our goal is to make LGGPR a long term huge success.
The sponsorship categories have been designed to suit the needs of any business who wants to be involved in this sports car revival. At each level, various benefits and promotional opportunities are provided.
We are working on filling our sponsorship goals for the event. If you are interested in sponsoring this event please email sponsor@lggpr.org.

Every year we make generous donations to local charities in Garnett and surrounding areas. Check out our Charities Page for more information on where we have contributed around Anderson County.
We are thrilled to have the following organizations sponsoring this event. They are leaders in their industries. Please show your support of their sponsorship by visiting their businesses.
Want more info? Contact Us

Victory Garnett
Victory Garnett offers new and used Chevrolet, Ford, and Buick cars, trucks and SUVs to the Eastern Kansas areas of Lawrence, Ottawa and Overland Park. Sponsor since 2014

Get your favorite old fashioned candy that you love from VALOMILK. Our old fashioned candy is concatenated with marshmallow and chocolate to make retro history

Throckmorton Riser Foundation

KH Automotive
With over a century of combined experience working on European vehicles, KH Automotive is equipped to handle your service needs. Let us put our experience to work for you.

Garnett Fire Department
Thank you to the Garnett Fire Department for providing the safety crews here today.

East Kansas Agri-Energy
Recognized as the industry leader in efficient production of agriculture-based products while pursuing diversified growth through early adoption of advanced technologies.

City of Garnett
The official website for Garnett, Kansas, including government, economic development and tourism. … City of Garnett.

BURDISS is the one-stop direct marketing solution for companies nationwide. Their roots may be in mail and fulfillment, but a commitment to service and problem solving for their customers has guided BURDISS to becoming much more than mail. They have set the bar high for the industry with the variable print capabilities with their Canon i300Plus, SmartMail integration, an experienced creative staff, and the bandwidth to pull it all together.

TT&T Towing