It’s time for our annual volunteer drive. Here are some specific positions we are looking to fill for 2021 but if you have some other way you can help, just let me know.
- Social Media Manager –
- Requires posting on facebook, instagram and twitter once per week for the months leading up to the event.
- Merchandise Manager –
- This is a day of the event position. We just want someone to run and be in charge of our t-shirt and merchandise booth on saturday and sunday. We will take care of ordering products.
- Info Booth Manager –
- This is a new position, but we are picturing this as a person that is floating around the spectator areas or possibly has a small booth set up and has the goal of answering as many questions as possible for spectators.
- Tour of Garnett Host –
- This person will organize a tour of Garnett or surrounding towns. The past tours have been 2 or 3 hours and around 80 to 100 miles of all black top driving.
- Track Security –
- We are looking for someone to man a couple specific places on the track to ensure track safety and direct drivers and spectators to the correct places.