Registration for the sixth annual Lake Garnett Grand Prix Revival will open a lot earlier than in previous years. . . and close a lot earlier as well.
Organizers of the vintage sports car event have restructured registration in anticipation of a greater number of participant applications for the 2019 Revival as the Ford Mustang is the featured marque. Commemorations will be taking place for not only the 50th Anniversary of the Boss Mustang, but also the 60th Anniversary of the Lake Garnett Raceway.
The new registration format and important dates are:
- May 1: Registration opens (includes free event t-shirt)
- August 1: Registration closes
- August 2-10: Group selections will be made, payments processed, and confirmations sent.
- August 15: Late registration opens for any remaining spots (entry fees increase – no free shirt)
- October 1: Late registration closes. Any entries after this date will be considered at the event.
Another reason for the change is to keep the mix of cars new and different as the event grows, plus give first-time participants a chance to drive the historic track.
It’s important to note that early entry or previous participation does not guarantee your application will be accepted. All applicants and vehicles will be reviewed and scrutinized by the registration committee, and selections will be made during the first week of August. Payment for entry fees will not be processed until an application is accepted, and a confirmation will be sent at that time.
Participants whose applications are not accepted will have the option to be placed on the waiting list for a given track group or switched to a group that may not have filled up.
As in previous years, each track group or autocross participant will receive free entry into the Hagerty Showcase car show. Free event t-shirts will also be included for accepted applicants who registered between the May 1st and August 1st registration window.